An in-house dental lab means a dental clinic has its own laboratory to carry out the manufacturing or part of the technical work within the clinic. An in-house dental lab allows dental professionals and patients to deal with dental treatment more practically.
At Maltepe Dental Clinic, we have a well-equipped in-house dental lab that enables our dental professionals to have full control over any dental treatment. The in-house lab brings enormous advantages not only for the dentists but also for our patients in terms of service quality.
Maltepe Dental Clinic has an in-house lab that allows their technicians to fabricate a lot of dental restoration materials. Some critical procedures of the treatments are conducted quickly and easily thanks to our in-house laboratory.
Our in-house lab is designed to create the most aesthetic and customized smiles for our patients with the help of cutting-edge technology while adhering to dental lab regulations. With our lab, we can do zirconium crowns, EMAX Laminate veneers, digital smile designs, mock-ups with a 3D printer, mouth guards for bruxism patients, implant crowns, as well as temporary prostheses and normal crowns. Each veneer or crown is digitally designed and produced.
Furthermore, our 20 years of experience is not limited to our technologically advanced tools. Our designer and ceramist spend a substantial amount of time and effort to apply the aesthetic touches on each tooth. Their meticulous effort and great expertise make Maltepe Dental Clinic special. Each smile is customized, and our lab technicians handcraft each smile to design unique smiles. We also believe that having cutting-edge technology wouldn’t make such a great impact unless we have highly competent technicians in our laboratory, as we do
At Maltepe Dental Clinic, we utilize the following technologies in the most effective way possible in our in-house dental laboratory:
The systems enable us to fix the existing restorations in a practical manner. For example, relining old dentures is easier now than ever before.
So, as you can see, choosing a dental office with an in-house lab will save you a significant amount of time while offering you a more practical treatment experience.
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